Tourist and resident information on Portugal, Madeira and The Azores

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Ponte de Santa Clara Coimbra

Ponte de Santa Clara spans the Rio Mondego
The bridge over the Rio Mondego

The Ponte de Santa Clara spans the Rio Mondego in Coimbra and is the oldest of the three bridges crossing the river in the city.

The Ponte Europa (Rainha Santa) and the Ponte de Acude are the other newer two bridges.

Ponte de Santa Clara Coimbra
Image © Dias dos Reis


The bridge was designed by Edgar Cardoso (1913-2000) and opened in 1954. It was built during the Novo Estado period under António de Oliveira Salazar. Cardoso also worked on two bridges in Porto, the Ponte de São João and the Ponte da Arrábida. The much larger bridge replaced an earlier iron bridge, located further downstream, that opened in 1875. This bridge had, in turn, replaced a previous stone bridge dating from the 16th century. Total cost at the time was 15,000 contos or around 75,000 Euros.

The bridge was designed by Edgar Cardoso (1913-2000).
The bridge was designed by Edgar Cardoso (1913-2000)

Coimbra Attractions

Aqueduto de São Sebastião

Portugal dos Pequenitos

Ponte de Santa Clara Coimbra
The bridge spans the Rio Mondego

Ponte Europa (Rainha Santa)
Ponte Europa (Rainha Santa Isabel)

Ponte Rainha Santa Isabel

The Ponte Rainha Santa Isabel was designed by Portuguese engineer António Reis and was completed in 2004. It has a total span of 329.4 meters. The bridge allows easier road access to the University of Coimbra from the IC2 and from the left bank of the Mondego River.

The Ponte do Açude is a road bridge in the north of Coimbra.
Rio Mondego

Ponte do Açude

The Ponte do Açude is a road bridge in the north of Coimbra. It opened in 1981. It is just west of the central bus station and carries the A31 highway.

Other Bridges in Portugal

Guadiana International Bridge

São Gonçalo Bridge Amarante

Ponte Romana Tavira

Ponte Velha Silves

Ponte 25 de Abril

The Mondego River.
Coimbra and the River Mondego

© Portugal Visitor

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