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Smoking in Portugal

Smoking in Portugal
No Smokers Sign

Portugal has a typically flexible approach to smoking in its cafes and bars.

As in many other countries in the EU, Portugal introduced a smoking ban in public places on January 1 2008.

However bars and cafes can opt to be classified as "smoking bars" if they follow a set of strict guidelines and install adequate ventilation. Portuguese bars smaller than 100 square meters (1,076 square feet) cannot allow smoking.

Smoking in Portugal
Smoking Allowed

Look out for the signs on the door of the cafe: blue smoking; red no-smoking.

Smokers who break the law face fines of up to €1000 and businesses that flout the legislation will face a fine of up to €2500.

Interestingly, Antonio Nunes, the president of Portugal's food standards agency, which enforces the anti-smoking legislation, was photographed smoking a cigar in a Lisbon casino, the very day the law came in to effect. In May of 2008, Portugal's Prime Minister José Sócrates lit up in the first class section of a flight to Caracas, unaware he was also breaking the law.

Smoking Statistics

In 2022, 1.9 million people in Portugal were tobacco users (11.5% of the population), which is less than many European countries. Bulgaria has the highest percentage of smokers in Europe (28.7%); Sweden the lowest (6.4%).

In 2019, tobacco consumption caused 13,847 deaths in Portugal, representing 12.3% of total mortality among the Portuguese population aged ≥35 years. Of the total SAM (Smoking-attributable mortality), 71.2% occurred in men and 22.2% in those under 65 years; 42.5% was due to cancer, 35.4% to cardiovascular and metabolic diseases, and 22.2% to respiratory diseases. [Reference: Portuguese Society of Pulmonology (Sociedade Portuguesa de Pneumologia/SPP).

*Update - As of January 1, 2023, smoking is only permitted in certain areas of bars in Portugal. These areas must meet specific requirements, including:

Size: The area must be at least 100 square meters

Ceiling height: The ceiling must be at least 3 meters high

Ventilation: The smoking area must have ventilation and extraction equipment

Separation: The smoking area must be separated from the rest of the bar by a ventilated antechamber with automatic sliding doors

Antechamber: The antechamber must be at least 4 square meters and properly ventilated

Yesterday May 31 was "World No Smoking Day."

Smoking in Portugal
Ashtray with a message in Guimarães

© Portugal

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