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Jardim Público de Évora, Evora

Parts of Evora's preserved city walls.
Parts of Evora's preserved city walls in the park

The Jardim Público in Evora is a pleasant public park in the south of the city. It contains both the Palácio de Dom Manuel and the Ruínas Fingidas.

The public park was once the former grounds of the royal garden of the Palace of Dom Manuel and the Convent of São Francisco.

The park now covers an area of around 3.3 hectares with several species of trees, flower beds, lawns and a children's playground (Parque Infantil). Parts of Evora's historic city walls are also preserved here.

Statue of José Cinatti.
Statue of José Cinatti (1808-1879)

The Italian theater set designer José Cinatti was responsible for the park's design and layout. A statue of the man stands proudly in the park. Other notable features are the original 19th century bandstand and the peacocks that roam the grounds.

At the direction of Cinatti, the 19th century Ruínas Fingidas ("Fake Ruins") were built in Romantic style using materials from the ruins of various monuments from around the city.

Ruínas Fingidas (Fake Ruins).
The Ruínas Fingidas

The space is also home to the Ludoteca e Museu do Brinquedo de Évora (Toy Library & Museum) with toys, games and books for visiting kids as well as collections of historic dolls, traditional wooden toys and model trains in the museum.

Palácio de Dom Manuel, Jardim Público de Évora.
Palácio de Dom Manuel, Jardim Público de Évora 

Palácio de Dom Manuel

D. Afonso V built the original Royal Palace in Evora in the mid-15th century. The palace gradually grew in size with Dom Manuel later adding the garden and the restored Galeria das Damas, the only part that still stands, hence the present name, Palácio de Dom Manuel.

Famous visitors to the palace in its heyday as a royal residence were both the playwright Gil Vicente and explorer Vasco da Gama.

Statue of Vasco da Gama.
Bronze statue of Vasco da Gama


Rua da República 74, Évora

The park is a short walk from the bus station in Evora. Also nearby are the Moov Hotel Evora, the Universidade de Évora and the Chapel of Bones (Capela dos Ossos) in the Igreja de São Francisco.

There is a pleasant kiosk with outdoor seating for coffee and light snacks.

Other Things to See and Do in Evora

Igreja de São João Evangelista

Praça do Giraldo

Roman Bath

Spring Blossom

Agua de Prata

Moov Hotel

Nossa Senhora da Graça (Church of our Lady of Grace)


The tower of the Ruínas Fingidas.
The tower of the Ruínas Fingidas
Statue of Garcia de Rezende.
Statue of the poet Garcia de Rezende (Resende), private secretary of the monarchs John II and Manuel I

© Portugal

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